Entry Title
Boys in a bedroom with bunkbeds
Archive Type

slide 707

L to R - Curt Monahan, Glen Dunbach, Glen Burke, Mark Baratz, Paul Volker, John Ruffley, John Hardmann, Clark Jeschke 

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Paul VOLKER (not verified)

Curtis someone, me in crazy pants, Clarke jeschke

Bill Griffith (not verified)

L-R Curt Monaghan, ____ Dunbach, David Hughes, Mark Barratz, P Volker, J Ruffley,
unknown- up on the bunk, Clark Jeseke.
Please pardon any spelling errors- it has been a few decades.

Clark Jeschke (not verified)

From left to rt I have Curt Monahan, Glen Dunbach, Glen Burke, Mark Baratz, Paul Volker, John Ruffley, John Hardmann, Clark Jeschke (yours truly). Never seen this pic before. Who took it?

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