Entry Title
Eric Cohen, Peter Schnitzer, Mr. Jewel, John Hardwicke, Randall _____ playing cards
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slide 1115 & 154 & L-77

slide 649

slide 1118 & 154  - stamped date MAR70P duplicate

Eric Cohen, Peter Schnitzer, Mr. Jewel, John Hardwicke, Randall____
Mr. Jewel played the harpsichord that was in the main room and frequently conducted the home choir which performed at area schools (in search of new students) while the touring choir was out on the road. He came from Martin’s Ferry, Ohio

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Anonymous (not verified)

Eric Cohen, Peter Schnitzer, Mr. Jewel, John Hardwicke, Randall____.
Mr. Jewel plated the harpsichord that was in the main room and frequently conducted the home choir which performed at area schools (in search of new students) while the touring choir was out on the road. He came from Martin’s Ferry, Ohio

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